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Hey there, I'm Marianne Maisy! My artistic adventure began back in 1999 when I was just a baby surrounded by talented artists and beautiful artworks. From the moment I could hold a pen, I've been on a creative spree. As a kid, you could find my stickers, stamps, paint, and glitter covering every surface in sight. I always eagerly awaited the artsy subjects at school because they felt like a natural fit, my true passion. I'm forever driven to create, to splash the world with colour, and bring comfort to troubled eyes.


Welcome to my website: it’s an interactive gallery, and a journey deep into the heart of who I am. I'm an indecisive artist, always jumping between styles and ideas. I dabble in photography, graphics, fine art, and illustration, finding joy in all of them without fitting into just one category. This website aims to bring it all together, a blend of everything that defines me. So, welcome to my world!

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